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See also Deschutes Climate Resilience Planning or Deschutes Estuary
"The Deschutes River is one of the largest streams in Thurston County, flowing over 57 miles from its forested headwaters to Puget Sound. The watershed that drains into the river includes a variety of land uses, including timber and agricultural lands, as well as developed areas within the cities of Olympia and Tumwater. While the Deschutes River currently supports a variety of wildlife habitat and recreational uses, it also suffers from ongoing pollution concerns. The river is listed under the federal Clean Water Act for dissolved oxygen, fecal coliform, temperature, pH, and fine sediment, and is the subject of a state-coordinated cleanup plan. Nutrient levels in the Deschutes contribute to pollution issues in Capitol Lake (which is the Deschutes Estuary), and it is considered a major contributor to low dissolved oxygen levels in Budd Inlet. Anticipated future development in the watershed could exacerbate water quality issues." - Thurston County, 2017 (with parentheses added)
Places Within Deschutes[edit]
This is a list of all place pages with Deschutes at the landform or site scale.
Landform-Scale Places in Deschutes
Site-scale Places in Deschutes
- The Deschutes Watershed flows into the Deschutes Delta which anchors the Budd Inlet Ecosystem.
- EARLY WATERSHED PLAN - WRIA 13 completed a watershed plan between 1999 to 2004 that was never ratified with materials archived by Thurston County.
- Thurston County completed a land use study of the Deschutes watershed and approved findings in 2016 and created a document archive
- Thurston County has prepared a Deschutes Watershed Land Use Analysis
- That work has resulted in a current conditions and development scenarios report and maps set[1]
- Ecology completed a watershed streamflow restoration study in response to the Hirst Decision
- Materials are archived at an EZ-View page
- As part of that process, Squaxin Island Tribe hired Confluence to complete a coho salmon recovery strategy, published in 2015. The location of this document is unknown.
- SPSSEG has initiated work on high value spawning areas in the upper watershed.
- WRIA 13 Salmon Recovery Lead Entity is now housed at Thurston Regional Planning Council.
- County Webpage summarizing information about the basin.
- Deschutes Watershed Characterization Report (2011) by Thurston County.
Water Quality and Quantity[edit]
- EPA Archive of 2021 TMDL Approval - https://www.epa.gov/tmdl/deschutes-river-tmdls
- EPA partially rejected a 2015 TMDL.
- There was a 2002 groundwater inflow analysis during low summer flow on a single dry year.
- There was a 2002 property rights analysis
- 2023 - Legislature provides DES $7M to complete design for restoration of the Deschutes Estuary
- 2022 - Freshwater prioritization pulbished in Schlenger 2022 deschutes freshwater restoration priorities (Mapper)
- 2021 - Publication of draft watershed plan for SRFB review in response to the Hirst Decision
- 2020 - Publication of TMDL by EPA following revision.
- 2015 - Completion of Deschutes Salmon Recovery Plan by confluence and squaxin tribe.
- 2015 - Publication of a draft TMDL study of the watershed by Ecology.
- 2016 - County commissioners approve a land use study.
- 2015 - Squaxin Island Tribe drafts coho recovery strategy for the watershed.
- 1999 - Beginning of watershed planning
- How does the TMDL compel the County, State and Cities (including LOTT to change nutrient pollution.
Deschutes Topics[edit]
1 Topics in Deschutes
All Workgroups and Efforts in Deschutes[edit]
Deschutes Products[edit]
The following Product pages are categorized with Deschutes.