Workgroups are collaborative communities, often within an organization that complete efforts
- Salish Sea References
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Conservation Districts are special districts authorized by US State governments at the County scale, and charged with the stewardship of natural resources. They are not Regulatory entities (unlike Counties) and facilitate Funding through grant writing, and provide technical assistance. In Washington they are supported by the Washington State Conservation Comission which has a small staff. They tend to access and integrate resources designated for Water Quality, Salmon Recovery and Farm Bill programs. They are often divided into ecosystem restoration and farm planning shops, and often have strong Education programs. Their base funding is proided by a per-parcel assessment set by County commissioners. Each district is governed by a locally elected board through an annual meeting process that is not part of county elections. The CDs recently developed the Washington Association of Conservation Districts governed by volunteer directors of county districts.
Stewardship Notes
- WCC list of district contact information
- - describes the washington association of conservation districts which has a 7 person staff, three of which manage a plant materials center.
All Workgroups and Efforts in Special District
- French Slough Flood Control District
- Island Conservation Corps
- Islands Trust
- Mason Conservation District (MCD)
- North Olympic Development Council
- Port of Everett
- Public Ports
- San Juan Island Conservation District
- Seattle Public Utilities
- Snohomish Conservation District
- Snoqualmie Valley Watershed Improvement District
- Special Purpose Districts
- Thurston Conservation District
- Whatcom Conservation District