Thurston County Volunteer Restoration Opportunities
From Salish Sea Wiki
(Redirected from South Puget Sound Volunteer Opportunities)
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The following workgroups currently offer opportunities to directly monitor and restore ecosystems in South Puget Sound.
- Thurston Conservation District (which manages "South Sound GREEN") has a mailing list to provide details for work parties - Link
- Native Plant Salvage Foundation provides plant ID training along with hands-on opportunities Maintaining McClane Creek Nature Trail, Capitol Land Trust sites, and salvaging plants from construction sites - Link
- Thurston County Stream Team manages restoration events for Cities and the County - Link
- Nisqually Land Trust manages volunteer site stewards and conducts stewardship work parties - Link
- Capital Land Trust manages volunteer site stewards and conducts stewardship work parties - Link
- City of Olympia Parks has volunteer stewards and adopt-a-park groups that do vegetation management Link
- Thurston County Parks provides contact info but little else Link
- Olympia Coalition for Ecosystem Preservation hosts workparties to restore West Woods in the Westside neighborhood - Link
- Center for Natural Lands Management has weed control, nursery management and seed collecting on Prairie and Oak Woodland - Link
- Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife - has a variety of volunteer opportunities over the whole region from emergency networks for oil spills, to local projects - Link