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The Skokomish River system is the 9th largest of 16 major rivers entering into the Puget Sound Basin. includes the South Fork Skokomish River where extensive forest harvest and resulted in large sediment inputs, which flows into the Upper Skokomish Floodplain where it is joined by the Vance Creek Watershed. The North Fork Skokomish River has been controlled and diverted by the Cushman Dam since the 1920s flows into the floodplain over an alluvial fan. After the north fork confluence, the channel becomes more stable in the Lower Skokomish Floodplain, where it is joined by Purdy Creek before flowing into the Skokomish Delta and Anna's Bay at the crook of Hood Canal. The watershed lies within Mason County with tracts of wetlands around the delta within the Skokomish Indian Nation reservation.
Big Picture[edit]
- In 2006 the Skokomish Watershed Action Team formed to increase collaboration between watershed partners.
- WRIA 16 published a watershed management plan in 2006 (File:WRIA 16 2006 watershed management plan skokomish-dosewallips.pdf)
- In 2009 a settlement between TPU and the Skokomish Indian Nation resulted in a 2010 amendment to the FERC licensing agreement. This resulted in reassertion of tribal sovereignty, including restoration of channel maintaining flows, and potential for restoration of salmon populations on the north fork severely affected by dam operations. Sediment and flow of the North Fork is regulated by the Two Cushman Dams managed by Tacoma Public Utilities.
- The Chinook recovery plan for the watershed (File:WDFW 2010 skokomish chinook recovery plan.pdf) was completed in 2010.
- In 2014 the final phase of the Skokomish Delta Restoration increased connections between the restored delta and vast freshwater wetlands of the Tribal Reservation. This article by NW Indian Fisheries Commission profiles the delta work.
- The Olympia National Forest has conducted extensive restoration efforts - http://www.fs.usda.gov/detail/olympic/workingtogether/partnerships/?cid=stelprdb5399978
- In 2016 a USACE General Investigation was authorized to implement an ecosystem recovery project addressing mainstem floodplain degradation.
- Final feasibility report provides the analysis resulting in that decision: https://www.nws.usace.army.mil/Missions/Civil-Works/Programs-and-Projects/Projects/Skokomish-River-Basin/
- 2016 marked the reintroduction of early-return Chinook salmon to the North Fork, as part of a strategy to reintroduce a free-spawning wild population, driven to extinction earlier in last century. The first spawning adults returned in 2018.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZpmAZd_gVQ - 2014 tribal video describing estuary restoration
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KeOcE9ENHm0 - 2014 overview of restoration efforts
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VM41M5eKvK4 - 2022 tribal video overview of Skokomish restoration
- Prior to recent reliscencing negotiations the vast majority of the North Folk flow was diverted to the Cushman penstock and powerhouse, resulting reduction of river flood flow.
- Sediment input following reckless forest practices have resulted in sediment accumulation in Upper Skokomish Floodplain such that fish passage is blocked by gravel bars and sub-surface flow in summer.
- The combination of modified flow regime and sediment loading, and an aggrading geomorphology are such that any substantial release of North Fork flows (to restore channel forming processes) results in flooding of the valley and the arterial Skokomish Valley Road.
- File:WDFW 2010 skokomish chinook recovery plan.pdf
- Ecology Fecal Coliform TMDL page
- USACE, Skokomish Indian Nation and Mason County are working on a General Investigation for ecosystem restoration. This project has published a Tentatively Selected Plan.
- The GI conducted an independent external peer review report
- Arcos 2012 describes the geomorphic history of the Skokomish Delta.
- Encyclopedia of Puget Sound article on Skokomish spring Chinook.
- King 5 TV story about flooding, salmon, and restoration
Pages using category:skokomish[edit]
- File:Arcos 2012 skokomish channel stability.pdf
- Cushman Hydroelectric Project
- File:Grossman 2013 skokomish survey notes.pdf
- File:Mt. Wash photopoint.pdf
- Skokomish Confluence
- Skokomish Delta
- Skokomish Delta Restoration
- File:Skokomish restoration excavator.jpg
- File:Skokomish restoration.jpg
- Skokomish Watershed Action Team
- File:Skokomish-project footprint.jpg
- File:Skokomish.png
- File:WDFW 2010 skokomish chinook recovery plan.pdf
- File:WRIA 16 2006 watershed management plan skokomish-dosewallips.pdf