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From the Forest Service Website: The Forest Service manages the National Forests and Grasslands for sustainable multiple-uses to meet the diverse needs of people, ensure the health of our natural resources, provide recreational opportunities, manage wildfire, guard against invasive threats, and work with State and private forest landowners, cities and communities, and international cooperation. The Forest Service is part of the US Department of Agriculture, and Oregon and Washington form the area called Region 6.
There are Three National Forests in the Salish Sea:
- Olympic National Forest - which irregularly encircles the Olympic National Park
- Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest, which covers the west side of the Cascades from the Canadian boarder down to Mt. Rainier
- Gifford Pinchot National Forest, which straddles the cascade divide south of Mt. Rainier, including Goat Rocks, Mt. St. Helens, and Mt. Adams.