Local Integrating Organizations
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(Redirected from Puyallup-White River Local Integrating Organization)
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LIOs are committees created under the authority of the Puget Sound Partnership to support development of the Puget Sound Action Agenda. They create and update Local Strategic Plans that implement regional Implementation Strategies. Their operations are supported by the EPA's Puget Sound National Estuary Program.
- http://www.psp.wa.gov/LIO-overview.php
- There are nine LIOs:
- San Juan Action Agenda Oversight Group
- Strait Ecosystem Recovery Network
- South Central Action Area Caucus Group
- Alliance for a Healthy South Sound
- Hood Canal Coordinating Council
- West Central LIO
- Whatcom LIO (WRIA 1 Policy Boards)
- Island LIO
- Snohomish/Stillaguamish LIO