Nearshore Salmon Recovery Planning
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(Redirected from Nearshore habitat planning for salmon recovery)
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The Puget Sound Salmon Recovery Plan included a chapter that briefly described a Puget Sound nearshore restoration strategy to augment limited consideration of the nearshore in watershed-based chapters. Before, during and after publication of the Salmon Recovery Plan, there have been myriad efforts to improve the basis for salmon recovery planning in the nearshore.
- Redmond et al 2005 provided an initial plan for nearshore salmon recovery.
- Rossenkotter et al 2007 analyzes the degree to which watershed salmon recovery chapters implement regional nearshore recovery strategies as described in Redmond et al 2005 and Volume 1, Chapter 6 of the Puget Sound Chinook Recovery Plan. Three Lead Entity coordinators review each watershed chapter for its nearshore content, and comment on gaps and consistency.
- While identifying juvenile salmon as a "valued ecosystem component" the Puget Sound Nearshore Ecosystem Restoration Project, explicitly chose to not use biological data or information about natal stream distribution of salmon habitat use in its regional nearshore assessment (Cereghino et al 2012).
- File:McElhany et al 2000 viable salmon populations and recovery.pdf describes the characteristics of a viable salmon population, which is the basis of recovery planning.
- Local jurisdictions are required to plan restoration and protection as part of Shoreline Master Program updates which include a restoration and protection planning component.
- FEMA and others considers coastal flooding as part of the Flood Hazard Management system.
- Nearshore salmon assessment has not incorporated work by the Puget Sound Characterization Project.
- Fresh 2006 provides a synopsis of juvenile salmon use of the nearshore.
SRFB Funded Projects[edit]
The following projects were derived from the PRISM database as all planning type projects with the word nearshore in their title over the last 13 years. They represent over $5 million of state funds and local match. A number of these efforts were designed to lead to local restoration efforts.
Hood Canal[edit]
- Hood Canal Nearshore Prioritization Tool 2014 (Kitsap County, Proposed)
- Hood Canal S Chum Nearshore Habitat Use Assessment 2014 (Wild Fish Conservancy, Proposed)
- Hood Canal Nearshore Fish Use Assessment 2011 (Wild Fish Conservancy, In Progress)
- West Kitsap Hood Canal Nearshore Assessment 2008 (Kitsap County, Completed)
- Historical & Contemp. Nearshore Habitats 2002 (Point No Point Treaty Council, Completed)
South Puget Sound[edit]
- WRIA 13 Nearshore Acquisition Assessment 2010 (Capitol Land Trust, Completed)
- WRIA 11/12 Nearshore Assessment and Rest 2004 (South Puget Sound SEG, Completed)
- WRIA 13 Nearshore Restoration Design Pro 2004 (South Puget Sound SEG, Completed)
- Thurston Co Nearshore Assess of Forage 2001 (Thurston Regional Plng Council, Completed)
- Greater Mason County Nearshore Habitat 2001 (Squaxin Island Tribe, Completed)
- Oakland Bay & Hammersley Inlet Nearshore 2000 (Squaxin Island Tribe, Completed)
- Key Peninsula Nearshore Sal. Hab. Assess 2000 (Pierce Co Water Programs Div, Completed)
West Sound[edit]
- West Sound Nearshore Fish Utilization Assessment 2007 (Suquamish Tribe, Other)
- Kitsap Nearshore Salmon Habitat Assessme 2004 (Kitsap County, Completed)
- Bainbridge Island Nearshore Assessment 2000 (City of Bainbridge Island , Completed)
Whidbey Basin[edit]
- South Camano Nearshore Protection Planning 2007 (Whidbey Camano Land Trust, Completed)
- Origin of Juvenile Chinook in WRIA 6 Nearshore 2007 (Skagit River Sys Cooperative, Completed)
- Skagit Basin Nearshore Feasibility Asses 2005 (Skagit River Sys Cooperative, Completed)
- WRIA 14 Nearshore Project Development 2004 (South Puget Sound SEG, Completed)
- Island Co. Nearshore Habitat Assessment 2000 (Island County, Completed)
Strait of Juan de Fuca[edit]
- Strait Juan De Fuca Nearshore Assessment 2006 (Dept of Fish & Wildlife , Completed)
- Nearshore Central SoJdF assessment 2005 (Dept of Fish & Wildlife , Other)
- Nearshore Central Strait of Juan de Fuca 2004 (Dept of Fish & Wildlife , Other)
- RENEW Clallam Bay Nearshore 2004 (Science-Technolgy-Manufacturer, Other)
North Central Puget Sound[edit]
- West Whidbey Nearshore Fish Use Yr 2 2005 (Wild Fish Conservancy, Completed)
- W. Whidbey Nearshore Fish Use Assessment 2004 (Wild Fish Conservancy, Completed)
San Juan[edit]
Shoreline Management Plan Related Assessment[edit]
Clallam County[edit]
Jefferson County[edit]
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Kitsap County[edit]
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Mason County[edit]
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Thurston County[edit]
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Pierce County[edit]
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King County[edit]
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Snohomish County[edit]
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Skagit County[edit]
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Whatcom County[edit]
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San Juan County[edit]
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