Ecosystem Stewardship Community of Practice

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This platform aims to serve and coordinate an "Ecosystem Stewardship Community of Practice". This includes both stakeholders and rights-holders within our communities that are directly involved in decision-making and labor that changes ecosystem state. On the platform we map these communities of practice as Workgroups using Categories, particularly the Category:Workgroup. Because the Salish Sea is a transboundary ecosystem, we aim to think seamlessly about activity happening on both sides of the 48th or the Strait of Juan de Fuca, and consider interaction across this strong social, political, and cultural boundary as particularly valuable for enhancing place-based knowledge.

This community of practice is complex and multilayered, with different siloes and strata operating in parallel, sometimes interacting, sometimes in isolation. One way of organizing this community of practice is around the functions. This platform proposes three meta-systems within the community of practice.

  1. Planning and Restoration System - which largely uses public funding (along with some private philanthropy and mitigation offset funding) to implement a program of direct ecosystem interventions.
  2. Regulation and Mitigation System - which revolves around local, state/provincial, and federal programs that have the authority to regulate private activity in the landscape to enforce the Public Trust Doctrine.
  3. Observation and Evaluation System - which revolves around universities and federal and state "science agencies" that collect and aggregate data that describes existing ecosystem conditions and how they change over time.