River Delta Accretion and Sea Level Rise
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(Redirected from Delta plain accretion rate among systems compared to sea level rise)
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Delta projects will accrete at a rate sufficient to restore historical wetlands and will keep up with sea level rise, given restoration of tidal prism and adequate connection to river flows that contain sufficient suspended load.
- Nisqually Refuge Restoration is removed from the mainstem river, which has reduced sediment budget due to Alder Dam.
- Distributary switching affects distribution of sediment.
Efforts and Products in River Delta and Sea Level Rise[edit]
4 documents in River Delta,Sea Level Rise and {{{3}}}- Elefant et al 2019 stillaguamish flood control district sedimentation and subsidence
- Hood 2015 factors affecting tidal channel geometry
- Morris et al 2002 coastal wetland sea level rise
- Mudd et al 2009 tidal marsh, sea level, productivty and carbon