Talk:River Delta Accretion and Sea Level Rise

From Salish Sea Wiki

Vegetation -- Isawoo (talk) 21:52, 12 July 2013 (PDT)[edit | reply | new]

I am not sure what you mean by vegetation as an "indicator of system resilience to climate change." Climate Change folks would argue that resilience needs to be in terms of local sea-level rise projections and processes that increase elevation (e.g., sediment deposition, and to a smaller extent organic matter accumulation). and there are papers that show veg structure/type influences sediment deposition (most recently Marani et al. 2013. Vegetation engineers marsh morphology through multiple competing stable states).

There's also good paper by Kirwan and Guntenspergen about marsh resilience and sediment supply in macro- meso- and micro- tidal estuaries.