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Creosote is a hydrocarbon used as a preservative for wood structures in marine waters. Creosote materials in the nearshore leach creosote and breakdown products into surround sediments and water column, with some toxic effects on organisms. Some have proposed that hydrocarbons released by creosote logs and floating on the surface have a disproportionate effect on zooplankton using the surface microlayer (need citation). A variety of state and federally subsidized creosote removal efforts have been reducing creosote concentrations at selected beaches and embayments.
- Vines et al 2000 demonstrated increased herring egg mortality when associated with creosote pilings.
- The Nature Conservancy completed a short study describing the presence of hydrocarbons near embedded creosote logs and the effects on beach infauna (citation?).
- DNR has completed monitoring to determine the creosote log recruitment rate following removal (citation?)
- DNR funding increased in 2006 with the signing of the WA State Puget Sound Initiative.
- Washington State Department of Natural Resources is leading effortsin creosote removal in the nearshore, and has a state funded program removing creosote soaked wood from beaches and embayments--Link to Creosote Removal Program
- NOAA Marine Debris Program distributes funds for marine debris removal.
- WA Dept. of Natural Resources has published Best Management Practices for piling and creosote removal (WDNR 2013)
- The Puget Sound Nearshore Habitat Conservation Calculator includes creosote removal as a restorative practice, which supports a regional In-Lieu Fee Mitigation program developed by the Puget Sound Partnership.