Social Systems for Ecosystem Restoration Camping

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Campers at Camp Altiplano, Murcia, Spain

Ecosystem Restoration Camping is a vision for increasing global community involvement in ecological restoration by creating field camps that can accommodate guests and initiate restoration projects. The vision has been cultivated by John D. Liu and others through a Dutch Foundation, Ecosystem Restoration Camps, and its initial field site on the Spanish Altiplano, building from investments by the Dutch NGO Commonland resulting in the development of Camp Altiplano in the Southern Spanish province of Murcia. This concept could support stewardship of the Salish Sea, and the Salish Sea with its financial assets could become a global exporter of resources that support ecological restoration camps. A variation on this theme is underway with The Ecosystem Guild in South Puget Sound.

The following social system concepts are frequently cited by people advocating for Ecosystem Restoration Camps:

  • A focus on direct restoration of hydrology, carbon storage in soils and biomass, and recovery and stewardship of biodiversity.
  • Easy participation by any individual that wants to work toward these goals.
  • Independent of government or corporate control (community-led).
  • An integrated vision of restoration that combines regenerative agriculture and ecological restoration to support human communities that live in harmony with ecological systems.
  • Reinvestment of surplus resources generated by managing the camp into restoration.

This page provides an archive of concepts and links and resources to support design of the social structures and processes that might support this vision. Ultimately, ecosystem camping vision may lead to the development of diverse sub-cultures that all support the shared goals of ecosystem restoration camps.

Our goal here is to link to documents, organizations, or resources that support social system design. This is intended as an accessible resource. Please do not draft extensive narrative. If you have a lot to say, publish an essay and provide a link and a one sentence description. Please use bullets, with one suggestion per bullet with a brief description of its value. As the bullets increase, please consider adding a category to divide the largest group of bullets. Initial categories are suggested below. Please focus on identifying possible social system components that could support the goals above, and the functions described below.

Decision Making in Camps

Information Management in Camps

Ownership and Resource Management Systems for Camps

  • In the USA, Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) are a fast inexpensive way to establish a legal entity that can enter into legal relationships, obtain insurance and support joint ownership.

Strengthening Shared Identity in Camps