Cooper Crest Community Forest
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This is a temporary page created for information sharing about the Olympia Coalition for Ecosystems Preservation acquisition on Cooper Point Road.
Images[edit source]
Cartography by Pcereghino (talk). Draft for discussion. No Key. The position of the grey road and landings and their dimensions are approximate, and only included for conceptual reference.
- Image 1 - with Bing aerial photography mosaic. Labels show parcel numbers.
- Image 2 - hillshade based on City 2015 LIDAR. Blue lines are modeled flow concentration and not based on field observation, and do not indicate channels, but rather likely path of concentrated water flow for areas of 1/4 acre or greater. The two colors are from two different LiDAR models. Divergence of blue lines indicates where the two surface scans generated different model results, indicating that the flow pathway is less certain.
- Image 3 - Slope analysis. Yellow indicates greater than 8% slope. Lt Orange 8-20% slope, Dk Orange 20-50% slope, Red >50%.
Notes[edit source]
- Surface roughness and debris is beneficial and will reduce erosion.
- Recovery of understory through stump and root fragment sprouting likely, but unknown. For example hazelnut was observed resprouting. Rhizomatous species will come back with rains but with unknown density and vigor.
- Trackhoe ruts running up and down steep slopes present greatest potential for gully formation. Straw surface mulching, punched in, can reduce mobilization of sediment. Check for flow concentration from plateau into trackhoe ruts (highest risk circumstance).
- If sediment becomes entrained, impoundment is used to capture and settle it out of water. The culvert at the corner of 20th and Cooper Point offers opportunity for backwatering and sediment retention.
- Runout of the north-south ravine also offers opportunity for backwatering and sediment retention.