Lambert & Chamberlin 2023 beach nourishment science synthesis
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View File: Lambert & Chamberlin 2023 beach nourishment science synthesis.pdf
Lambert, M.R., J. Chamberlin. 2023. Beach nourishment in Puget Sound: status, use, and habitat impacts. Prepared by Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and NOAA NW Fisheries Science Center. 37 pp.
- Developed as part of the Science Sprints to Support Regulation project, and analysis was informed by the needs of regulatory actors.
- Provides a synthesis of all known and available evidence of beach nourishment effectiveness as of summer 2022.
- This report was used to initiate and inform the Beach Nourishment page in 2023.
- Authors provide the following qualified assessments:
- "Beach nourishment is an effective restoration strategy when included in a suite of tools."
- "Effectiveness of beach nourishment actions is sensitive to the volume of sediment placed."
- "Ecological benefits of beach nourishment are largely inconsistent and remain generally unknown; further directed research activities are warranted."
- "Project design requirements for beach nourishment should include better accounting of sediment loss due to natural processes."
- "Cost/benefit of beach nourishment may warrant alternative strategies"