Hood 2006 tidal channel formation as depositional

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Hood, W.G. 2006. A conceptual model of depositional, rather than erosional, tidal channel development in the rapidly prograding Skagit River Delta (Washington, USA). Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 31:14:1824-1838. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/esp.1381


  • Considers tidal channel sinuosity as resulting from repeated bar formation at the channel mouth, causing bifurcation and then shoaling.
  • Somewhat contrasts with Eilers 1974 which observed fluvial sinuosity occurring in unvegetated tidal flats at the seaward edge of island formation, with increased sinuosity caused by fluvial avoidance of patches of local marsh recruitment. This difference may be a result of system dynamics, and where channels are relic distributaries as compared to forming within an established island footprint. Pcereghino (talk)