Smith et al 2005 tide gate salmon recovery analysis skagit

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Smith, C., E. Manary, Hood, G. 2005. House Bill 1418 Report: Tidegates and Intertidal Salmon Habitat in the Skagit Basin. Prepared by the Washington State Conservation Comission, Western Washington Agricultural Association, and Skagit River System Cooperative. pp 133.

"The purpose of this report is to identify and prioritize intertidal salmon habitat enhancement sites within the context of science-based salmon recovery and protection of agricultural land."

"The 1418 Task Force has concluded this process by providing this estuarine report to the Skagit Watershed Council. The document has provided several key pieces of information. These include a complete tidegate inventory, a detailed assessment of potential sites, a prioritization scheme that includes both land ownership and salmon benefit rankings, and recommendations for continued work that were supported by the broad membership of the Task Force. The Task Force has also sent letters of support for two projects. One letter supports the public lands component of the Wiley Slough project, while the other supports work to address the chinook access issues with the Swinomish Channel rock jetty. "

"Tier 1 areas for future estuarine restoration include Wiley Slough, Leque Island, Milltown Island, and Deepwater Slough. Tier 2 areas include the Dry/Brown Slough area, the sites near La Conner, and Dodge Slough. Tier 3 sites are those near Rawlins Road, the South Fork pole yard, and Halls Slough."
