Quinn et al 2012 surf smelt spawning camano island
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Quinn T., K. Krueger, K. Pierce, D. Penttilla, K. Perry, T. Hicks, D. Lowry. 2012. Patterns of Surf Smelt, Hypomesus pretiosus, Intertidal Spawning Habitat Use in Puget Sound, Washington State. Estuaries and Coasts, September 2012, Volume 35, Issue 5, pp 1214-1228.
- 51 sites were sampled every 2 weeks for 1 year, with continuation at 13 sites for an additional year.
- While spawning was widespread abundance was concentrated at a few sites.
- Sites with high concentration were similar in high wave energy (suggested by high fetch and limited wood accumlation), and low solar heating (northern slope, low relative exposure, and low beach temperature.)
- Egg counts were higher in Jul-Sep compared to Jan-Mar, however complex egg laying patterns as a life history variation may provide for population resilience.
- Authors suggest tidal elevation of egg laying is likely a tradeoff between predation at lower elevations, and dessication at higher elevations.
- Egg mortality declined after august with resumption of the rainy season.
- Beaches with north facing aspect, and large fetch may be more important for conservation.