Hood 2015 factors affecting tidal channel geometry

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Hood, G. 2015. Geographic variation in Puget Sound tidal channel planform geometry. Geomorphology 230 (2015) 98–108.


  • There are several interesting results that come from this large scale study: [1] channel planform geometry is related to tidal range (not surprising), [2] planform geometry is related to wave exposure (surprising!), [3] anthropogenic sediment starvation of river deltas through distributary channelization and diversion, or through river damming and diversion (e.g., for drinking water) has apparently resulted in early stages of delta drowning, a likely harbinger of sea level rise vulnerability. (From Hood, pers coms).
  • The larger-scale comparisons of channel geometry led me to look at smaller-scale patterns of variation within the Skagit Delta, and indeed I found differences between leeward and windward portions of the Skagit tidal marshes. So putting the Skagit Delta in context of the rest of Puget Sound deltas was useful to us locally as well as to the restoration community regionally. (From Hood, pers coms.)
  • In addition to providing guidance to engineers, planners, and biologists on tidal marsh restoration, this work also indicates a need to restore sediment supply to currently sediment starved marshes to provide long-term marsh resilience to sea-level rise. (From Hood, pers coms.)