
From Salish Sea Wiki

Sidebar Content

  1. Change "Personal" to show "Log In" for non-logged in users, and "Settings" for logged in users.
  2. Can we move Menu to use a mediawiki namespace page to define content?

Here is a new proposed sidebar structure. Items with # are open by default.

  • The Big Picture #
  • Platform Operations #
    • Our Social Contract
    • Style Guild
    • Governance
    • Development Log
  • The Page Framework #
    • Topics #
      • Anthropogenic Topics
      • Ecosystem Topics
    • Workgroups #
      • Efforts
      • Products
    • Places #
      • Regions
      • Catchments
      • Landforms
      • Sites
      • Patches
  • Toolbox #
    • Recent Changes
    • All Categories
    • Category Tree
    • Terminology
    • Page Information
    • Wanted Pages
    • Links Here
    • Special Pages