Talk:Delta Restoration and Agricultural Drainage Feasibility

From Salish Sea Wiki

General Comments[edit | reply | new]

  • This has some very valuable practical implications.

Biotic Monitoring[edit | reply | new]

  • Catttail (T. latifolia) naturally forms monocultures throughout the region where hydrology is suitable and salinity levels are low. If T. latifolia becomes established on the site, why does this merit response? What is the alternate vegetation you would hope for in a location where T. latifolia is competitive, and, if it is competitive based on salinity and elevation, why wouldn't T. latifolia establish dominance over time, regardless of intervention?

Hydrologic Monitoring[edit | reply | new]

  • How was the number of logger sites chosen and why are they located where they are? Have you observed variation among the sites based on data you have already collected?
  • Much of the analysis description is too vague or absent.
  • Beware of Solinst LTC loggers. They've had a very high failure rate around here.
  • You suggest that you have been collecting rainfall and groundwater data since 2013, and will be using some kind of comparison of correlation coefficient as you analytical method. What is the strength of correlation observed in baseline data, and how does this affect your confidence in detecting a change?
  • Diking district representatives are present on the steering committee, but do the immediately adjacent farmers understand the method of analysis and had an opportunity to ratify the methods?

Sediment Accretion Monitoring[edit | reply | new]

  • Ongoing sediment accretion monitoring is occurring at Stillaguamish and Snohomish deltas. How do you method compare to methods there, and how are you intending to manage the challenges experienced in those systems?
  • How will SETs be positioned relative to 1) areas of anticipated short term erosion or deposition, and 2) relative to tidal elevation, so as to improve the ability of your sample points to represent sediment inputs to the site over time. In other words, how will you be able to use three points to differentiate between sediment moving around on site, compared to sediment entering the site?

Marsh Vegetation Monitoring[edit | reply | new]

  • What are the four seeding strategies? Many marsh seeds float, do your species float, and how will you overcome that?
  • Why is natural marsh regeneration considered inadequate for this site, while being accepted at other sites. What is the problem you are trying to solve?
  • How do the selected elevation ranges reflect a hypothesis about how elevation affects natural seedling recruitment? Why are these the right elevations to seed.

Communications[edit | reply | new]

  • While the steering committee provides local farm representation, how does the steering committee intend to insure that the results of the project are broadly understood by the affected community?