Lower Skykomish Floodplain Design

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This page describes a variety of efforts that are related in that they are adjacent and in the Lower Skykomish Floodplain, on property controlled by Dave Remlinger, and represent the best potential for large-scale multi-purpose floodplain management in the Snohomish system. This effort includes 1) RM 0.5 enhancement work by Snohomish County, 2) Skykomish Habitat Mitigation Bank, 3) Potential restoration in the confluence triangle, and 4) development of the Meadow Wood Equestrian Center which might include wetland management.

RM 0.5

This effort is linked to Coordinated Investment pilot work

Snohomish County will construct a reach scale habitat enhancement project at Remlinger farm, near the City of Monroe. The project is located on the Skykomish River upstream of the confluence with the Snoqualmie and Snohomish Rivers (between RM 0 to ~0.5), in a split channel/island reach consisting of mainstem and off channel habitat. The overall project goal is to enhance and protect a diverse habitat reach by 1) establishing a long-term riparian buffer in an area without riparian vegetation, 2) adding large wood to create and enhance complex edge habitat, and 3) placing instream flood fencing to augment natural river processes. Once constructed, the project is expected to enhance rearing and refugia habitat for overwintering and out-migrating ESA listed salmonids (primarily juvenile Chinook), and provide returning adult holding refugia. The project team will conduct outreach to engage the recreational community and potential future project partners. The Lower Skykomish Geomorphic Assessment indicates that the project reach is a good location for instream structures maintaining island channel splits and side channel habit.

Meadow Wood

  • Proposed 380 acre large Equestrian Center with several arenas, barns, winery, horse stables, and events structures. This will include RV parking, migrant worker lodging, and a 50-guest bed housing unit with farm kitchen. Some proposed work will be in shoreline and floodplain areas.
  • http://meadowwoodec.com/
